Panchavalkadi Ardra Lepam Fairness Lotion

416.00 / 1 100 Ml

5 piece (MOQ)

Business Type Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier
Packaging Type Plastic Container
Shelf Life 3 Year
Country of Origin India
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Product Details

Personal Use,Skin and Body Care and Brightening.
Fairness Cream
Rich Frangrance, Skin Friendly, Smooth
Creamy Cooling & Soothing Lotion
Blend Of

Panchavalkadi Ardra Lepam. Moisturizing Brightening lotion with Five Ficus barks, Lotus, Sandal wood, Cinnamon etc.    

Sahasrayoga a handbook of Ayurvedic formulations, has mentioned the importance and uses of Panchavalkaladi yoga especially in Raktapitta vikaras like skin erruptions, boils, ulcerations and skin allergies in children. Sarangadhara Samhita a renowned manuscript depicting formulations and its dosage form in different conditions mentions the use of Panchavalkaladi even in herpes conditions of genital organs. It is a combination of 5 ficus groups which are excellent skin toners as well as rejuvenator of skin colour and texture,  along with anti microbial drugs like turmeric and  naturally cooling drugs like chandana, sariba etc provides an over all protection to the skin.Panchavalkaladi fairness cream and lotion is a dosage modified form of Panchavalkaladi yoga mentioned in the accurate quantity as per the Annals of Ayurveda. In the form of cream and lotion it overcomes the difficulty of using the traditional formula in the form of powders and decoctions. Panchavalkaladi fairness cream and lotion provides nourishment and rejuvenation to the aging skin and removes the sun tans and blemishes from the skin. It is a natural skin toner and improves the complexion of the skin as well as an excellent remedy for acne related problems.The lotion/ cream is also a very good sun screen remedy which is safe and can be used on a daily routine.Being a natural skin protector can be safely used even in babies suffering from skin rashes or diaper rashes.

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